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Zapata-Elias Homestead Products


pumpkins in wheelbarrow

It will be a while before we have anything new, but here is a picture of some of the pumpkins from last year. I planted too late so most were still green when the frost came. However, most ripened in our home. This year we will be planting many more and be on time.

Farm Fresh Chicken Eggs and Duck Eggs

Sadly, ground squirrels have been eating most of the eggs recently.

Young Rabbits

We mainly raise American Chinchilla rabbits. They were once a very popular breed that lost appeal when the fur market lost appeal. We like these rabbits for their good size, pleasant disposition, and good mothering instincts.

We currently have many that were born in early March and early April.

Young Chickens

Sadly, the ground squirrels taking eggs have also impacted our young chicken production.

We mainly raise Buckeye Chickens. We learned of this breed in a lecture about heritage breed chickens. After hearing the many interesting characteristics of some of the different breeds we chose Buckeyes for our particular land and how we wanted to raise them.

Buckeye Chickens are excellent foragers. In spite of the fact that we give them organic feed, they prefer to seek out their own food in the form of vegetation, seeds, insects, small animals, even mice! They are also excellent mothers and can raise their own young. They handle the cold weather we get here with ease and can tolerate the heat.